The Frameline film festival hits the big thirty.
By Kelly Vance
Article Published Jun 14, 2006
Absolutely nothing is taken for granted in writer-director Sridhar Rangayan's Yours Emotionally, a gay male travelogue that claims to explore clashing cultural values between India and the UK but comes across as the trippiest flick in the fest, full of fantasy sequences, color effects, and wonderful music, in the service of its story of two young guys from Leicester on Indian holiday. Ravi brings his white friend Paul to a homocentric resort in a small town, where they meet an older gay Indian couple and find themselves, amid much local color and some truly amazing tropical digressions. It has the deep-Indian feel of an early Merchant Ivory film, only gay. From this movie, you'd think India is loaded with gays — tour operators are no doubt standing by. The final mind-blower is an onscreen display of the Ravi character's phone and e-address, no doubt saving him the trouble of getting a MySpace page.
Link to article : http://www.eastbayexpress.com/Issues/2006-06-14/film/movies_full.html
1 comment:
I am sharing below the comments and views of people who have written to the 'Yours Emotionally' website :
May God bless those who have made this movie.
- Name Withheld (India)
I liked the Film..and the stroryline. All in all it’s a great effort.
- RM (San Francisco)
I was really impressed with your skills of film making. I thought the camera work and the colours used were so wonderful and at times intoxicating. I felt swept along by the sheer beauty of it all. It really captured India to me with all its diverse life styles and colours and I really felt how drab the old home town looked in comparison! It was daring, inventive, surprising, moving and exhilarating.
- Russell (UK)
Please Bring such films forwards Specially with the topic that Gayism Exists in India from ancient times. so that hipocrits can understand and accept the fact.
- Name Withheld (India)
I felt going through many emotional strands: I was touched, entertained, happy, confused, misplaced, and sincerely laughing about the vicissitudes of the characters and their lives and self-discoveries. it is the India that I know and you have captured her spirit.
- Stephano (Italy)
We think the film challenges many stereotypes both Indian Gay and British too. Some of the cinematography was very, very good with many of the dream type sequences innovative and captivating. It’s also very touching at the end... We enjoyed watching ‘Yours Emotionally!’
- Bryan & Brent (London)
Yours Emotionally is a hard hitting and dark representation of the present face of Indian homosexual community. It is commendable that Sridhar & Niranjan bring to fore a harsh face of the community that many of us may not be willing to accept. It is stylistic in narration with a mix of real and surreal scenes that are blend beautifully together.
- Vivek Anand, CEO Humsafar Trust (India)
The film has very well portrayed different gay identities and how they interact with each other. The fact that this film was shot in quite a few public place in Rajpipla with quite daring scenes goes to show that no eyebrows were raised during the shooting of the film. Homosexuality though considered as a social stigma in India, but in smaller towns gays don't feel shy in practicing it even after being forced into marriage to a girl. They will continue to lead a "double role" in their life. In quite a few marriages, the female partner knows that her husband is gay, but still she won't mind if her husband sleeps with another man, but will mind if he sleeps with another woman. This is has been found out in one of the studies undertaken by Lakshya specially in rural Gujarat.
- Manvendra Singh, CEO Lakshya Trust (India)
it has so much passion and heart...and has some really sexy scenes with such an attractive cast. Sridhar: you're a very good director, getting great performances out of the actors, and putting the camera in very nice strategic positions.
- Paul Lee (Toronto)
Hats off to the cast for not shying away from a stigmatized subject. Some of them are professional actors, and for their courage in taking up the assignment they deserve a pat on the back.
-Nitin Karani (India)
First I want to thank you for being a filmmaker and for having the passion to make films that address and deal with storylines/subject matter which are pertinent to an LGBT audience.
- Name Withheld (USA)
its a gr8 concept u came up with... so glad somebody came up with the topic... I stay in FL, USA. am a student here. I'd like 2 know how i could get 2 see the film...
- Name Withheld
I would like to know how I can see this film in Bangalore
- Praveen (Bangalore)
The story line and locales are great feels great when people outside india worry about indian gay issues. more are expected from the QueerNRI s
- shoemakerlevi (hamburg)
Film is good and i appreciate the Director and its efforts and hope they will keep it up....
how can we see the film in hyd .
- aravind (hyd , india)
can we see more of the india gay and films - armaan (ajmer) It's about time someone took this step. Let the Indian audience wake up to the truth... Bravo! Definitely one giant leap for India cinema. There will be plenty of opposition, doubtless, but this film must be out. Here's to a poineering movie. May it come out as eye-opener...
- Prasanna
i never seen this movie.....but i think so this good movie evergoing to be for gays i think so.i love this movie.i want to see soon this movie.
- niki (hongkong)
Can you arrange for the indian audience to see the picture?? i think this will revolutionize the way people think about peoples willingness to experiment with some thing new.
- Jeet (Indian)
Nice to see movies like this keep comming up... Its a definite gud move to bring the darkness to light.. Hope movie is kewl and attract audiance and ideas...
- Ashwin (CHennai)
I am very unlucky as I did not have a chance to act in your movie. Anyway great work to express about gay emotions and hardship we undergo in our strict cultural settings.
- Jey (Canada)
think its a good movie...lemme wait and see
- abhishek joshi (bangalore)
i like the story, its a nice thought & i want to see this movie.
- mickey desai (gujarat)
I cvould not watch the trailer, but read the background literature provided on this website. I am very keen to watch this movie but do not know how! Can you please help. I would like to compliment the members of the moview crew who made such an important issue visible. Congratulations!
- Ashish (Roorkee)
A very interesting film and great photography !!
- Rich (USA)
hope to see the film .can any one tell me where the screening will be done
- addi (orissa)
Wow!!! I can't wait to see the film but I already love the story and the trailer... Please Please Please let me know where I can find a DVD of this film ?
- anita (NJ,USA)
Cool! Where can I see it?
- Shakti (Auckland)
Sridhar writes: Wow, I am totally overwhelmed by so many reactions - some who have seen the film and so so many who are eager to see it. Thanks guys, we really hope we can bring the film across to your countries and cities very soon. Please keep writing in, which hopefully will mobilise support and encourage distributors / organizers to screen the film widely. Cheers :-)
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