Again a sold-out show! YE screened on June 24 at Frameline 30 - San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival - which is one of the oldest and largest queer film festival in the world. 'Yours Emotionally!' was the one of the earliest film to sell out among 300 films from all over the world! Here too an additional screening was scheduled on June 21 to accomodate rush of tickets.
Frameline festival program review -
From the director of The Pink Mirror (Frameline27) comes this intoxicating queer journey through India. Ravi is a young Indian man living in England who impulsively heads to an all-night gay party in an Indian village, dragging his British friend Paul along.Fueled by erotic performances, flirting and sex, Ravi connects at the party with Mani, a closeted working-class guy. Rooming at the very gay-friendly hotel belonging to Murthy and Anna, an older gay couple who have been together for more than thirty years, Ravi decides to stay for a few days to pursue what may be the love of his life, but the consequences of their hedonistic night catch up with them. With bursts of surreal images and scenes, Ravi tries to reconnect with Mani, but the situation becomes rocky when his slutty friend Paul flaunts his own careless hook-up with Mani.Thankfully, Ravi has the wisdom of Murthy and Anna to guide him. They share their stories of defying tradition, loving against all odds and being true to oneself. Invigorated by his time with the couple, Ravi meets Mani once again to see if their fates may indeed be intertwined.In addition to the colorful and bizarre situations, the camera lingers lovingly over the queer Indian male body and exalts its sexuality. With a consistently surreal look, Yours Emotionally feels like a beautiful fever dream inspired by both avant-garde gay cinema and the tropes of Bollywood. — COREY EUBANKS
The film was co-presented by Third I South Asian Films
Frameline website link: http://www.frameline.org/festival/30th/programs/yours_emotionally.html
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